Amrei Wagner

Amrei Wagner

Cand. M.Sc. Sport, Business & Law

After completing her B.Sc. in Sport Science at the TU Munich, Amrei decided to study for a Master in Sport, Business & Law at the University of Bayreuth (UBT) and is now in the final stages of her Master's degree. The motivation for this path was in particular the desire to be self-employed later on and to acquire the know-how needed for this at the UBT and to make important contacts. As a passionate outdoor sportswoman, she has a strong connection to the environment and attaches great importance to sustainability. She will develop her vision of "rethinking the world of sport" in the coming months in her Master's thesis at the think tank. The focus will be on communication and project management and a unified social media strategy for the sportainable brand.

Link to Amrei Wagner >>>

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