
Topic →Mobility

Sport is almost always "motor sport", which means we are dependent on means of transport for exercise. The majority of our sport-related journeys are made in our (own) car.

We conduct research on the travel behaviour of athletes and spectators and develop scenarios for a more sustainable modal split, for example.

Good practice: Ecopoint Climbing

The Ecopoint concept extends the notion of redpoint by including the approach by fair means (public transport, bike, boat, foot):
In 2020, after climbing the tradroute ‘Prinzip Hoffnung’ by public transport, Lena Müller had the idea to give this sustainable approach to climbing a name. The reason being that language shapes our thoughts and cultures – including our climbing culture. Hence creating new terms could support our actions, such as our approach to climbing. She suggested the term greenpoint, not being aware that the term already existed. Together with Sofie Paulus they now want to introduce this concept under the name ecopoint to raise awareness and promote sustainable climbing.

The mission of Ecopoint is to promote and enhance sustainable mobility in climbing by providing a freely accessible community platform, where climbers can inform and inspire each other to climb more sustainably. Read more here about how to contribute your ecopoint knowledge.
The project was founded by the non-profit association IG Klettern und Bergsport Allgäu e. V., whose aim is to promote and preserve climbing and mountaineering as sustainable sport in the Allgäu Alps. The idea and the realisation came from Lena Müller.

For more information please visit



Beteiligt: Carina Nigg, Julia Lohmann, Peter Kuhn

Hintergrund: Die Studien von Peter Kuhn (1996) und Pamela Wicker (2019) zeigten, dass Sport auf motorisierten Individualverkehr angewiesen ist, dass hierbei erhebliche Mengen an CO2 erzeugt werden und dass die sportbezogene Nutzung des ÖV von dessen Strukturqualität abhängt.

Fragestellung: Verändert das 9-Euro-Ticket den Modalsplit von Sportler:innen?

Zielstellung: Beratung von Entscheider:innen in Sportorganisationen und Sportpolitik zur Förderung der sportbezogenen ÖV-Nutzung

Methode: Erstbefragung von Sportler:innen vor Ort – die Befragten scannen einen QR-Code mit dem Smartphone und gelangen so zur Befragung oder sie werden von den Interviewer:innen per Paper/Pencil befragt – unmittelbar vor dem Training oder Wettkampf mit Qualtrics Online Survey und vier Follow-ups (vor Ort oder per Email-Erinnerung); Querschnitt und Längsschnitt

Laufzeit: Mai (Erstbefragung) bis September (vier Follow-ups im Juni, Juli, August und September) 2022

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